A question I get posed to me all the time is goes a little something like this... "Hey Kyle, I want to know how long it is going to take me to earn money online here. What do you think?" My answer is always the same, but a little bit different depending on how the question is asked, but one thing remains a constant. YOU are in charge of your success. Not me. Not your neighbour. Second, you have everything you need here at WA to create success. It requires you to build a website, which is your foundation for success...this is the foundation of your house that you can build as big as you want. If you want the nice granite countertops in your kitchen, that will come later. But before you can build that kitchen, you need that foundation. This is where your website and your niche come into play. And it takes different amounts of time and effort to get this in place. Me personally, I worked my rear off for the first two months with ZERO financial success, but I had a ton of other success which was just as important to me. A had a website, I had content and I had the beginnings of a business. This is exciting stuff. One thing I learned early on is that if you focus just on money in life and in business, you will never have any of it or you will have to sell your soul to earn it. If you focus on "building" something great and something of substance, the money follows. This does not mean spending a week working on something and hoping that it will someone miraculously turn into a money tree. That is not how business works and that should not be your expectation. By my 6 months I had pretty much a full time income online. What had happened is my hard work from my first months work started paying dividends. That is how business works. What you do NOW, pays dividends LATER and sometimes forever. I have campaigns that I created over the years that I created once, took me a week, but paid me $$$ for years. My focus was not immediate money, the focus was creating something that was great, that was helpful for the people that touched it, and that was of tangible substance. So...you want to know how long it takes to earn money online? This is up to YOU and whether or not it EVER happens is up to you. One thing I can assure you of is that everything you need is here at Wealthy Affiliate, the only missing piece of the puzzle is you, your time, your dedication and your persistence.

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