Apple's iPads remain the most-used tablet line, both generally and in the workplace, according to two reports released Wednesday. The mobility management vendor Good Technology said iPads accounted for 91.45 percent of its customers' tablet activations in the fourth quarter of 2013.

If smartphones are included, Apple's slates represented 19 percent of all mobile devices deployed during the quarter. Good said iPhones and iPads represented 73 percent of device activations in the quarter. More than half of all devices deployed were iPhones, and Apple products were the 10 most popular devices tracked in the report. Android tablets and smartphones combined represent only 26 percent of device activations in Good's data set. This indicates not only that enterprise iPad adoption trounced corporate uptake of Android tablets, but that iPads alone accounted for nearly as many device activations as all Android devices of all form factors, smartphones included.

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