When getting started at Wealthy Affiliate you are going to want to take some time to set yourself some goals. Over the years I've really tried to build this into our getting started training because it's an important step not to miss.

Goals help you:

1 - Work toward something

2 - Stay focused on the tasks to achieve them

3 - Stay motivated to achieve them When you achieve your current set of goals, you then move on to the next set! I like to write my goals down on paper.

Many people use sticky notes, or they record them in a notebook.

Regardless how you record them, just be sure to make set some goals and always have some that you are working toward.

Whether you have goals to build your first website, choose a niche, find some keywords, earn your first sale, earn $500 a month, earn $5000 a month...setting goals gives you clarity and motivation to achieve them. If you haven't already, go ahead and set some goals! I'd love to hear some of your goals too if you feel like sharing :) Carson

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