Normal, average-joe Dave with his pong t-shirt stands in his some what small mediocre rabbit infested front yard while thinking of the genetically modified large hormone infused mooing cows, the old blank boring television, the insane never ending annoying infomercials, the crippled old dying trees, the small defenseless cute endangered animals, the humongous shrinking rainy Amazon rain forest, his short grocery list that consist of non-cracked eggs, fat free spray cheese, organic milk, and the delicious small brown cookies thats name is Oreo, or fancy print “The End” at the end of a movie, the small monkeys that oddly dance for left over pocket change, the mythical mysterious triangular Bermuda Triangle, the large colorful hot air balloons, the toast oven the makes bread warm and toasty, the romantic fan raged Twilight series, the circus that has a bearded women, the short man, the man who lays on a bed of nails, and the sword swallower. After this long list of thoughts, Dave thinks: “Is this the meaning of life?”

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