About Freedomseekr
Joined August 2012
My name is Sherry. I am married and have two kids, four dogs, two guinea pigs, and a cat. Yes, it sounds like a zoo! I do love animals, especially dogs and horses, which are my two favorites. I also like to listen to music, paint, draw, and go camping.

I am very excited to learn how to start my websites and any help or advice anyone can give would be great!
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mi6rima Premium
Thanks for the follow :-)
Hudson Premium
Thanks for the follow and if there is any way I can help you don't hesitate to ask me,


Freedomseekr Premium
Thank you Hudson! I'll be sure to do that :) and thanks for the follow!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA and thanks for the follow!
Start here and if you need any help feel free to give me a shout! https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/your-first-10-getting-rolling-with-wealthy-affiliate
Freedomseekr Premium
Thank you Shawn! Really new at this, so I'm sure I'll be having questions on a lot of stuff:) Thanks for the follow!
splashduck Premium
Hi Sherry, thanks for following me and for letting me know about the top 10 thing too, wow that's cool hey! I have guinea pigs too and ducks, lizards, frogs, cats, a dog and I had chickens but the last one died the other day from old age:(

I wish I could live on a farm but can't afford that so I've made our suburban yard be like a farm.

If you need any help with WA stuff just ask and if I know the answers I'll help out.

It's the best place to learn everything properly here at WAU. Street Articles and Jaaxy are awesome too! Enjoy you day, hope all the animals at your "zoo" are well:)

Rob G & the Splashducks:)
Freedomseekr Premium
Hi Rob, Thanks for following me. Very sorry to hear about your last chicken dying. :( looks like you have quite a few different animals in your "zoo" too. :) Thanks for all the information. I am hoping on getting this going soon... the sooner the better!

You never know, maybe someday you'll be able to get to live on a farm with all of your animals....keep getting results like you did for your articles and it could happen!

Best Wishes!

garethb Premium
My name is Skip - Welcome to WA. I've been involved with WA since February 2012. I like that WA is a legit site and everyone here will help you succeed. Work hard and consistent and you'll succeed.
Freedomseekr Premium
Thank you Skip! My name is Sherry. I just finished Step 2. I've been looking for a site like this for a long time now. I wish I had come across this sooner!