Do you let others kill off your dream?

Last Update: August 16, 2012
A couple of weeks back I have lucky to spend a some time in Cambodia. The evidence of the Po Pot's dictatorship surrounds you in the eyes and body (less limbs) of the people. One thing that is also evident is the resilience of the people of Cambodia as well.

I wanted to share this story of one inspiring young man and his dream. His name is Jimmy, he is 25 years old and comes from a poor family in Siem Reap.

Jimmy wanted to ensure that the children of his village in Siem Reap had the opportunity to learn English. So Jimmy put a sign out the front of his mum's house and invited children to come in a learn. Eight children showed up on August 1, 2011.

My friend had told me about the school so when I visited Siem Reap I showed up to see if they needed a hand. They did! I taught the children each night and was amazed by there willingness to learn and the love they so freely shared. On my final night there were many hugs, kisses and tears.

In only one year the school has grown to 125 children and three classes, six nights a week. Jimmy's Village School survives off the kindness of passing tourists who may wish to donate books, time or money. Please connect with Jimmys Cambodian Dream on FB and share the word to help this inspiring young man. His dream is to build a permanent school to teach English to the local children in Siem Reap.

This is a story about Jimmy from my friend who told me about the school

My thought for the day
Do you let people kill off your dreams?

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Shawn Martin Premium
Great thing to support, thanks for sharing this!