10,000 Hours? Piece of cake

Last Update: March 20, 2011

Check this out! What stands between you and success is a 10,000 hour investment of your time. How far into it are you? I imagine this doesn't count trips to the little girl's room or little boy's room or going to the refrigerator for an apple. It might though. Some real breakthroughs happen in interval spaces such as day dreams and meditation.So they must count.

I haven't read this book yet, but I'm going to read it. Meanwhile, off to invest at least 5 hours of the 10,000. So far I haven't been counting.That's close to 417 days if you don't sleep.


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jatdebeaune Premium
@robert2704: Thanks for figuring it out and breaking it down to get the number in years. Uh oh...overdue in IM. Start again.
@Eileiah: Yes, even sleep counts. Messages from dreams. You get ideas everywhere.
@jill11: Thanks Jill. Now I can't wait. Have you read Blink yet?
jill11 Premium
I read the book-I loved it- it is so worth reading!!! Good luck on your 10,000 hrs- I going to put some of my hours in too!!!
Eileiah Premium
I definately think the time away from the actual doing of IM counts as part of the 10,000. It's what I love about doing this IM - the creative side of it. I have to carry a pen and paper with me everywhere I go, especially when I walk the dog on the trails. Today, while doing a 45 hike, I thought of two articles, how I could make my home page better, and one niche. Not bad for 45 mins of not working, lol. Cheers. E.
robert2704 Premium
I think 10'000 hours is about 4 years working normal days minus holidays and yet his photo over there shows in that time he's got used to pulling his hair out. hehehe