A Dubious Day Off

Last Update: June 08, 2011

Do any of you have strong opinions about AT&T U-Verse? I sure hope they are  opinions in the affirmative, haha, nervous laugh. U-Verse is coming over this morning to hook us up. Gonna take upward of 4 hours. Up until now, we have had Cablevision (Optimum), pretty good, but I hear that U-Verse is better and faster. Free competition. What can you do? "Faster" is music to my ears.

So, yours truly is spending the day cleaning house. Yup, this is the "rare" day that copper gets polished and cabinets get cleaned, not to mention the boring stuff like bathrooms and vacuuming. Doesn't sound dynamic, but heck, it's LIFE!  It's a crappy job, but someone has to do it. I'm great at it. Clean freak!

So, on goes the AC and the sweats. Ice tea in the fridge. To work I go. See ya later guys!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hope I made the right decision. So far, phone lines have been disconnected. TV is complicated. Guess I'll get used to it.