Are You a Charlie Brown fan?

Last Update: October 30, 2010


Happy Halloween!


Not just another Sunday. It's Halloween! I love Peanuts and wouldn't miss "The Great Pumpkin" for anything. Have watched it on Halloween every year for years and years. It's always great. Charles Schultz is a genius!

Just in case you want to see it too, here's a link to the video:

Much better than Friday the 13th.




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jatdebeaune Premium
Charlie Brown is a philosopher and Snoopy is my hero.
dancinscot Premium
Definitely better than Fri the 13th! I've seen "The Great Pumpkin" too. Inspiring!
Jamie Smith Premium
Charles Schultz is from the Twin Cities. I have an acquaintance that can finger tap the Peanuts theme on an acoustic guitar. Damn, I wish I had a recording of Steve to share with you Joan.
prinker Premium
I'm a fan; I remember watching it as a kid and now my daughter watches it. :)