Are You Headed in the Right Direction?

Last Update: June 11, 2011

Are you sure the course you charted will get you where you really want to go? Double check it from the start while you're still at the gate. If you intend to go to Boston,  don't follow the road map to Dallas. If you do, you'd better like southwestern climes, 'cause Dallas is where you'll be.

Sometimes life takes us on a path that we didn't intend. Can be serendipitous fun, but it can also lead you where you have no intention of going. Not in a MILLION years. So, why put all the sweat, blood, and tears into reaching a destination you don't want?

It's very easy to get sidetracked. It's very easy to be seduced into the wrong path, thinking Divine Providence took a hand in your destiny and is leading you in a better direction. Not necessarily. Stay flexible, but don't be wishy washy like a reed in the wind. Be self determining. Be sure to stop once in a while, and reassess where you're headed.

That's about as profound as I can be on a Saturday morning.

Happy weekend!

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DABK Premium
He, he. I done climbed to the top of a few mountains I did not want to be on top of (but didn't realize it till I was there). No good, you're right.
dataplextech Premium
Joan, I understand what you're saying 100%. You are coming in loud and clear.
jatdebeaune Premium
@Labman: Craig, I think there are no mistakes in that you derive benefit from whatever you do, and you can apply what you learn in so many ways. Nothing goes to waste. Check out that street that gets you lost, then find the street that'll get you where you want to go. Example: if you go to law school and pass the bar, then you're pretty well on the way to being a professional lawyer. But, you want to be a pastry chef. The knowledge of law and negotiating will serve you well in business, even the pastry business. But, if you continue on in law, you'll be a lawyer, not a pastry chef. @soumitra: ha,ha, am I scaring you? Oh no, I'm not suggesting anyone drop Internet Marketing, if that's what you're thinking. Certainly not. I am suggesting that it's not a happy idea to pursue a direction in IM just for the money, or because some guru says "do this". Your soul needs to be fed doing what you love. If you veer too far away from what you love, how are you going to sustain it? That's all. I think you have to be in close contact with who you are and don't deny who you are. What I love about the Internet is that it affords so many ways to integrate your talents with other people and their talents and a marketplace. Hope I'm making myself clear.
soumitra Premium
oh dear as the brits put it. And I was going to request you to be my mentor through all this.
Labman_1 Premium
You do need to be flexible with this stuff. But when you say to yourself "I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque" you might need to rethink your direction.