Are You in Your "SWEET SPOT?"

Last Update: November 27, 2011

Sweet Spot?

It's that one thing you would rather be doing than anything else.

What is that exactly? Most of us gravitate to our sweet spot without giving it much thought. Another way of putting it is doing what comes naturally. Life sometimes gets in the way of staying in our sweet spot. We have to pay the bills. We have to tend to another's needs. Or, we have been misdirected and side-tracked all by ourselves. Sometimes we need to find ourselves, and that's okay.

I know a person's "sweet spot" is a relative thing. What is "sweet" to me can be something else to another person. It has to do with your individual talents, your exposure, and your deep down mission in life.

What are you here for? What is your purpose? What makes your heart sing?

I know one thing for sure. You'll never be completely happy if you ignore the very thing that fulfills you... the very thing that completes you.

Let's ask ourselves a few questions. Would you be happy doing something that makes you a lot of money but feels like work? In other words, performing a task that doesn't involve you emotionally? It may even bore you. Would just the money be enough? Of course I know that money is very important.

How important is it to you to wake up in the morning feeling super charged with energy and joy, bouncing out of bed, in anticipation of the day to begin?  You know that feeling of "I can't wait to get to it."

Well, you deserve that feeling. It's from that place of genuine joy that we can perform at genius level. Yes we all possess genius at something. You cannot perform at genius level if you are not in that state of joy. Call it what you will, inspiration, exhilaration, enthusiasm, passion. All the same energy. Ask yourself if you're having fun. You'll be amazed at your own answer.

I've been reading posts from many of the newbies at WA, asking for help in choosing the right niche.

When people decide to earn their living online, they start out a blank slate, totally innocent. IM is a new experience for everybody in the beginning. That's why so many of us get duped by bogus programs early on. We're looking for tangible truth to help us get things rolling. We expect to find the truth. Unfortunately, we meet up with exploitation from gurus, and marketers who are only interested in selling books and programs. That's tough on a newbie. It's tough on anybody. It's exactly what makes people want to quit, that sense of futility that ensues.

Newbies come in looking for a product to sell. I think they should come in with an idea or product that excites them, then find out how to make a business around it. It can be as abstract as just a concept that excites them. Start with the idea. You have to put the horse before the cart. You will never be able to sustain the effort required if your emotions are not involved. Emotion propels you.

My advice to newbies: start with the idea. It's fine to research the idea and find a tight low competition niche whereby you can profit from your idea. Bumping around looking for what will make you rich, especially if it has nothing to do with "you" is my idea of hell.

Join in guys. What do you think? What advice can you offer newbies?

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meknowsu Premium
This is such a great blog post and it has me so excited right now because I remember my childhood hobby which was playing with paper dolls, how I miss that activity. It was so fun and relaxing, I could really explore my imagination. Thanks for the gentle reminder of not forgetting our true passions locked up inside our overly stressed bodies. Hey paperdolls is that a niche? LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, why not? I used to love them too. Still do. Paper dolls: 16,000,000 in Google... how to make paper dolls, vintage paper dolls, printable paper dolls, paper dolls for kids, Katie Keene paper dolls, movie star paper dolls...
Tojuwon Premium
I love it when people go out of their way to be helpful. I love this. The problem most times though is that we have been made to believe that you can't make money if you don't choose the right niche, and believe me before most people discovered web affiliate they have at least heard rumors on on-line marketing. Therein lies the problem. Perhaps a practical article / webinar on practical ways to make money online will help people to dig up passions and then let it flow. Note: that even where members see a great resource like multiplier mahem method by mohawk, they don't believe it would work b'cos every other person does this. I think though that until you have tried out all the teachings at WA. It is best to have a leap of faith and temporarily forget all you knew b4 getting here. That way you will either love the success from following the truths taught or know after carefully following all that was taught that WA doesn't help. In fact I think I just found my first blog topic. All things aside thanks for the carefully and beautifully written blog.
jatdebeaune Premium
And we're also told that you can make money in any niche. I think you have to learn the basics, then do it your way. Just read Multiplier Mayhem...very good!
Jamie Smith Premium
Every time I turn around there is another cool blog waiting for me to enjoy up in here. This is one of your best yet Joan, so awesome!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yeah Jamie, your sweet spot is music and mine is painting. Both in the arts.
SunnyDaze Premium
I agree 100%. luckily you can make money with almost any 'niche', so why not be genuinely interested? My trouble is finding what I really would like to do. Right now, I am genuinely interested in how to make a living online, so I am using that as my niche (although I must say it is an overcrowed niche and maybe not the best for a newbie) - but I am using my interest to propel my websites etc. I'll be getting married next year, so that maybe a niche for me to focus on next year. But heart singing ... hmm it is a little elusive - I think I just need to stay open and in the right mindset, and it will come.
jatdebeaune Premium
Sometimes it's good to sit on it a while and take a niche to get the practice. The aha moments pertain to niche direction as much as marketing. All the best to you for your upcoming marriage too.