
Last Update: July 11, 2010

This has nothing to do with IM, but so fantastic, I had to share it with you.

If you feel you have earned the right to take a little break from marketing, and you want to be inspired and reduced to tears, then please click.

The performance continues through several songs. Don't miss anything.

I love it when these things come along.


 Click his Ave Maria and Hallelujah videos in youtube. The continuous performance link didn't work for some reason.

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magistudio Premium Plus
That was awesome - here he is singing Hallelujah:
Old Mizer Premium
Yes Joan... I was never a really big fan of opera until this blind man named Andrea Bocelli came on to the seen. I don't know which I enjoyed more, "Time to Say Goodbye" or "The Prayer". I guess Mark's name popped up while I was surfing UTube for opera. He's an amazing young man. I had to remember too, ...that Australia is 18 hours ahead of me. I was so excited to hear he entered the contest, I couldn't miss a WEEK! God is good. 8^)
jatdebeaune Premium
You already know this young guy Matt? His voice is already so mature, it'll be exciting to see how he grows.
Old Mizer Premium
Ah yes... Litte, BIG Mark! That young man has talent. I always liked the song he did that I have heard Andrea Bocelli do before. "Time To Say Goodbye"
Louise M. Premium
WOW! Goosebumps! Thank you Joan!! I couldn't watch the video through the link you provide but I found it on youtube at Beautiful!