Cat Lovers and Musicians

Last Update: December 05, 2011

What the heck, it's the weekend.

This cat is amazing!

Nora, the Piano Cat: the Sequel

And if you liked that, check Nora out in concert with full orchestra...


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meknowsu Premium
So cute, that cat is special, actually playing the piano. Amazing!
Jamie Smith Premium
nice 1 Joan
reader Premium
That cat is so sweet and talented. I really love that second video. My cat just eats and sleeps and teases the dogs and is always in the mood for a treat!
jatdebeaune Premium
That cat just loves to play piano. That alone is amazing.
smokeywins Premium
So adorable! Even when asked to play more, the cat meows as if to say yes....
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi smokeywins, I know you are a cat lover. This cat loves the piano. Check out the "Catcerto" link I just added above.
dataplextech Premium
That's really cute! I think the cat was actually watching and trying to mimic the sounds and movements. Now when she starts reading sheet music...
jatdebeaune Premium
She was on the Today Show NBC. I just put another link there for you. She's hilarious!