Do I Really Have To Hook a Whale?

Last Update: September 20, 2010


"I'll follow him around the Horn, and around the Norway maelstrom, and around perdition's flames before I give him up".
                                                            ~Captain Ahab

How robust is your vision? Do you think BIG? I think big. And that's good. Nothing wrong with big ideas and big ambitions. But if you try to do everything all at once, you're going to make yourself crazy.

Carve out steps that are specifically designed for you, but keep an eye on your big picture as you take steps to reach it.

Nice to set goals and reach high, but if you become obsessed like Ahab going after Moby Dick, then, well, I don't know. Gotta be rational. One step at a time. One strategic step at a time.

Break it down into increments. I'm talking to myself here as well as you.

Small achievements add up fast. Every little step we take is important. Nothing, if going forward is ever small. Even making mistakes is going forward, and adds steam to your engine.

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I got answers to questions that I have needed in order to go forward effectively. I was temporarily stalled due to technical issues.

The inevitable is that we all face one learning curve after the next. Once again, I'll be out of my comfort zone. Big deal. So what's new? Isn't this whole IM adventure about being out of one's comfort zone?

I'm about to embark on a technological learning curve, facing  my nemesis, my Moby Dick: "technology". Don't have much patience with technology. I actually do get all excited every time I learn something new, so this could  be fun.

I'm going to learn Joomla, put up my new website/s, re-dos plus,  and then I'm going to learn HTML, just to know it in case I need it. Tech is an important part of this business, the part I have been avoiding like the plague. Haven't wanted to take the time it requires and I've been lazy about it. I've put up websites with templates, but Joomla is a little more technical. We all know, it definitely handicaps us if we don't know how to do things, and if we depend on a tech, forget it because you sit on your hands and wait your turn.

So wish me luck and inspiration as I reel in my mini Moby.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Yeah Louise, I'm just going to relax into it. Very excited.
Louise M. Premium
I like your post and I wish you luck in learning these techy things! I love to learn new things as well and it's good that you point out the fact that we need to stay realistic when setting up our goals. Yes, we move forward with every step we take, even when the obvious results are not good. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
@Jamie Smith: I'm following Jay's advice for sure Jamie.
@Labman: Hi Craig. I'm going to check out your HTML resource. Thank you.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad to hear you're moving in a positive direction. Hope my PM helped. Keep up the inspirational blogs. I know I appreciate them, I'm sure others do too.
Jamie Smith Premium
I am so proud of you Joan for listening to Jay's excellent advice! You will be amazed at your career one short year from now. Continue taking those little steps forward each week.