Do You Happen to Know Anything About This?

Last Update: February 07, 2011

Interesting idea...

You may not be into buying their programs, but sometimes marketers stimulate a thought or two. 

Was deleting mountains of email when I came upon something from a guy called Jared Croslow.  

His heading was comically gross and in totally bad taste, so naturally I had to open the email. Too curious not to. Message was having to do with making your own mobile apps and software in general. 

This fellow is creating and selling software. His ideas are silly, but hey, that works.

I wouldn't know a program if I tripped on it, but when has that ever stopped any of us? Evidently it's the concept/idea that counts. Quite possible to do for not a heck of a lot of money. 

Seems there are blueprints to follow if you happen to be a programming dunce like me. Jared himself claims to be a programming dunce, unless he's putting us on. Well, I'm not going to run out and make software right now, but have to admit it sounds like fun and I see how it can be profitable. Particularly fun if you come up with some clever ideas.

Got some thoughts?


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jatdebeaune Premium
I don't know anything about it either. Guess you have to watch out, make sure you're not breaking the law. Must need a lawyer to protect your rights too.
DABK Premium
I heard this on the radio, so it must be true.
Two guys came up with an app for i-phone users: it puts the phone back into phone mode (i.e., brings the phone keypad to top). They were being investigated by their State for possible fraud.

I just had to share.

I know nothing about apps. I'm going to assume that if you sponsor one that takes off, you get a lot of backlinks.
jatdebeaune Premium
That sounds like what I am talking about. If you have some very funny unique ideas for ring tones, bet you could sell them.
phildeeze Premium
There is a big market for small mobile apps and even games. But not all of them are successful. If you design something that has use in everyday life or is simply amusing many people will spend their money on it. Im not sure if this is exactly what you are talking about but I have a friend that is into this stuff.