Do You Know This Tool?

Last Update: March 08, 2011

Am I using a buying keyword? Am I in a niche where people are buying? What are the demographics of my niche? 

It's all gotta be more than just a gut feeling, though gut feelings weigh heavy in my book. 

Do you know this tool? It's FREE! And it's fun!

MSN Commercial Intent Tool


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jatdebeaune Premium
That would not be good.
muskyblood Premium
Thanks! Cool tool. What would a .93 Non-Commercial Intention mean?
jatdebeaune Premium
Try it again Mary. It should work. Did you copy and paste it into your browser?
Sherion Premium
I can't seem to find it. I get a sorry page not found. :(
DABK Premium
I know it. Market Samurai used to use it. Maybe they still do to calculate the seo value of keywords. It's a good tool. A very good one. When it works.