First Article for Street Articles

Last Update: March 14, 2011

And now I have a headache.

Went wrong somewhere. Software wouldn't let me put in any links. It said I could put in 2 links, and when I did, a message came up:  "links are not allowed in the body of the text". Also tried anchor text and that didn't work either. I mean it wasn't accepted. I put html right into the content body. Didn't click that little box where you're supposed to enter your url. I don't know if you need it for anchor text. Looked like it worked. Disallowed though. Do any of you know why? Watched Jay's video and it looked very simple. I don't know guys. Some days I feel two with technology.

Update: They work very fast. Man alive, I just submitted it and it's already indexed. But NO LINKS!!!

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jatdebeaune Premium
went back and edited the approved/published article and tried to put in a link plus copyright notice. The link was in the final sentence. Message came up once more that links are not allowed in the body of the content and copyright notices are not allowed because it is copyrighted by Street Articles. So what's to keep the wolves away? Will Street Articles go after infringers?
@klrrider: Bob, are you referring to that button that opens a box for URL submission? Is that the WYSIWYG editor? How do you do anchor text with that?
@Incognito: Thanks Leo. I tried Explorer, and that didn't work either. If they want people to supply articles, they have to be able to include links at least. And where do you make a profile?
@Labman: How did you do it?
klrrider Premium
I have been having trouble myself. On my 3rd article with SA. Links (2) are allowed in the body but not in the first 300 words. Use the WYSIWYG editor to insert links.

All content is checked and needs to be 100% original, I think they must be using copyscape. So you articles at other directories also are counted as possible duplicate content. I was using a resource box call to action from one of my published articles elsewhere and SA would not accept it.

Over promotional sentences will disqualify your approval, like "best product" etc.

You should be able to edit published article and ad links.
Incognito Premium
I'm having an issue with SA re duplicate article, when in fact it's 100% original. Sent Kyle a PM about it, so hopefully should get a reply soon. I did have something similar to your issue though, where I put links in the last paragraph and the paragraph itself was stripped out. To fix this I just resubmitted. Have you tried another browser?
jatdebeaune Premium
Frustrated as can be. They didn't answer my questions. Got notice article was accepted. No links. Links were put in the last sentence. Did they change the rules? And where do you make a profile?
Labman_1 Premium
That's the way I do it. They seem to go through OK. My submissions today though are languishing so there may be a problem over at SA.