It's a Matter of Gratitude

Last Update: September 19, 2010

Sunday morning is a time I like to visit with family and friends over the phone, or over the Internet. Usually we're all too busy during the week to hook up with each other, so we catch up on weekends. My buddies at WA are my new friends, so I'm visiting with you too. Now, aren't you happy about that? You're in the loop. Want to share what has been going on in my head lately.

I've been soaking up all the fantastic information you are sharing in your blogs, your comments on my blogs, in the Forum, Jay's extraordinary webinars, Marcus' help, Kyle and Carson's help, Barbara's help, my other fellow buddies' help. You know what? I feel so blessed. Thank you.

I have been feeling gratitude lately that is sometimes hard to express, except through positive action in some way, on my part. I am grateful to all of you beautiful kindred spirits. Here's some more gratitude... grateful for the Internet, grateful for the opportunity to learn Internet Marketing at WA, grateful for all of my friends (new and old) and family,  grateful for excellent health and a brain capable of thinking most of the time, grateful for inspiration when it hits, grateful for this morning's breakfast, grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead, grateful for the desire to achieve.

Hope I don't sound like a pollyanna. Well, so what if I do. It's not that I haven't struggled plenty walking the "road less traveled", feeling like a total failure at times until "it" happened. "It" often sneaks up on you, by the way. It's not that I haven't reached goals and enjoyed abundant success. I've been on both sides of that equation, and a pinnacle of success is better... FAR better than struggle. That panoramic view might be what is propelling me to succeed at IM and it might be what is making me more patient than I would otherwise be. Use your own past successes to propel you too. Remember them. Draw on them. Everybody has had success at something in their life. Use it to inspire you. If you did it once, you can do it again.

Gratitude leads you to want to pay it forward. I'm not a bleeding heart, I can assure you. Hope that doesn't disappoint you. But I am humanitarian and can't stand the idea of anyone starving or doing without. Maybe it's because I am a "foodie", but the thought that people don't have enough to eat is totally unacceptable. With all the food on this planet, no one should go hungry. My mom felt the same way. She loved kids, so at Christmas, she played Santa Claus in the most real sense. She had huge responsibility of her own, and her own children to take care of. Didn't matter. Right after mom closed her own clothing store for the evening on Christmas eve, she went shopping for certain chosen families who had kids. Her car was packed to the roof with groceries and toys. I'll never forget it. It was a yearly ritual. Served as an inspiration to all three of her children. Times are different now. Not such a good idea to show up at someone's door bearing gifts, but there are other ways. Tony Robbins has done so much to help people in this way. Will this be my way to express gratitude? Very likely.

Have a great Sunday guys. J.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Carole, I feel compelled to share this law of attraction mind set because it has made such a difference in my life. I have by no means mastered it, but it has made a huge difference. You see "scarcity consciousness" all around causing mischief in people's lives. It's like holding your breath to conserve on air. Silly. I like Bob Proctor too. Thank you for your comment.
Excellent Blog - a good reminder that we can always find something to be grateful for and that there is always someone who is in a worse situation than ourself.

It is easy to slip into 'scarcity mentality' ; focusing on what we do not have rather than living an 'abundance mentality' where we focus on all that we have [to be grateful for] and cultivate a mentality that says " there is so much available to all and I have unlimited potential"

Bob Proctor is really great on this one
jatdebeaune Premium
@Jamie Smith: Jamie, for some reason, I know that.
@magistudios: WOWEE ZOWEE Jay! That felt good! Gratidude Dance... I did it like plaster man at first, then it gained momentum. Thanks.
magistudio Premium Plus
Awesome! Sounds like you need to do the 'Gratidude Dance' -
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog Joan, being thankful for all your blessings and paying it forward is a great approach to life in my opinion. We are on the same page once again sister.