Jay Rocks In Hot Pink!

Last Update: February 15, 2011

<a href="http://www.jay.com">Jay Rocks<b>bold</b><style color="#FFOOFF">pink</style>


Did I do that right? This is just an example of what Jay taught us last night in less than an hour, though the session lasted an hour and a half. Can you believe the gentleman is such a good teacher, people were actually asking questions in code. Do not miss any of Jay's WAbinars.

 Jay is the bomb!

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Jamie Smith Premium
phildeeze Premium
unfortunately I never manage to make it to the live wabinar but I never miss a video once they are posted. I was stuck when I first joined and was a bit confused by all the information, but one wabinar from Jay and it clicked, I now feel like a pro.
jatdebeaune Premium
Whoops! Almost...haha. Good. Thanks for the correction. Jay is a wonderful teacher. Don't be impressed Meadow Breeze, rank is because I participate.
Meadow Breeze Premium
I agree, Jay is a great teacher and he offers so much to us! I usually listen to the recordings of each session more than once. I always look forward to Jays WABinars. WAU has quite a few Great teachers as well! And look at you jatebeaune, member rank #12 ! You must be on the right path. Glad you are a buddy of mine. Have a Great Day my friend.
Incognito Premium
Almost Joan... :)

You just need to close the anchor tag in after "Jay Rocks". By doing that a link is created. Jay Rocks!

I couldn't agree more with the post though ;)