Keeping An Open Mind Can Lead to Your Success

Last Update: May 10, 2011

Have you ever known people who are so stubborn and self righteous that they can never admit when they've been wrong, or admit that someone else might have a better way of doing something? You'll never get an apology from them either.

They always have to be right.  Have you met Mr. or Ms. Know It All? After a while, people just ignore that stubborn person and don't even try to help them, or listen to them.

You come across these people every day, in personal and professional life. I hope I'm not like that myself. I try to keep an open mind and learn better ways from other people who are smarter than I am at some things. And sometimes, I'm the one who knows the better way. You have to stay real, stay humble, and not be sabotaged by your own pride and conceit.

When I started learning Internet Marketing, a "know it all" family member drove me crazy. I mean CRAZY! I dodged him whenever I could. He was so full of wrong information and advice. This is a person who purchased every new technology as fast as it came out. He spent a small fortune. Fine, if that's what he wants. The down side is, he didn't know how to use any of it and made no attempt to learn. Just made him feel cool to own it. His secretary inherited his toys within one month of purchase.

This guy is very bright at many things, but not things having to do with the art of online marketing. He's older than I and has always positioned himself to be my teacher. To be fair, he has been my teacher in many ways. He can be inspirational sometimes. For some strange reason, he's someone I love and admire.

I see this attitude as being quite flawed. When you are like this, you limit yourself. There is much to know in this life, and you'll have knowledge only if you are open to receiving it. Valuable insight can come from everywhere and your 5 year old daughter or son.  

Also, you have to be big enough to admit when you've made a mistake. We all make mistakes at times. If you say something that offends someone, then apologize for offending them. You might have even been correct in your assessment, but why hurt people? More than likely, it's the way you said it and not what you said that offended them. What was gained? Ego gratification? A release of temper?

If you offend a customer, that customer may give you the old heave ho, and harbor ill feelings FOREVER! He may give you bad press too. "There are certain shades of limelight that are bad for a girl's complexion"! Remember that line from Breakfast At Tiffany's?

Apologize. Be sincere about it. Did you really want to hurt someone? Of course not. If you genuinely did want to hurt someone, then be honest and don't apologize. Sometimes you have to take a stand and punch someone's lights out when it's called for. Try not to make it a customer.

Be attuned to life around you.  Be open to inspiration and a better way of doing everything. Be open to opportunities as they present themselves.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1 with that Breakfast At Tiffany's reference, classic!
jatdebeaune Premium
They're all over the place. You have to be so patient. Low on patience lately. This family member writes beautifully. He's a retired head hunter and knows things he could be sharing. Should I help him?
Labman_1 Premium
I have one of those in my family too. Nice to know I'm not alone.