Listen to Your Inner Voice

Last Update: January 21, 2011

If an idea is staying with you, if it feels fresh, if you don't tire of it, if it's ringing true, then you'd better go with it. That's you talking to you, so listen up.

I was away from my office a couple days this week due to family matters, which turns out to have been a good thing, even though I was very concerned about missing some of the Article Marketing Club, and indeed have to play "catch up" today and this weekend. I'm looking forward to that.

That aside, being away from the computer helped to give me perspective. I've been ruminating over a concept for months now. Haven't verbalized it. Haven't jumped  into implementing it either because I wasn't sure how to do it, or how to pull it off. I also wasn't sure I was on the right path. Confidence in the project was faltering. Like Miss Scarlet said, "I'll think about that tomorrow". Clearing my brain of clutter, it seems, was the best thing I could do. Being away, I got some heady insights, resulting in restored confidence in this project.

There's never any point in being precious. Granted, not everything one tries will work out. But it's good to stay with what looks like a good idea, especially if you have a hunch that you've got something that can work. Be very careful who you share your idea with though. For starters, you don't want someone to put a pin in your dream. Some people do that, and they don't even know it. The most important reason to stay close to the vest is because you don't want to rob your project of its energy by talking about it too much. Energy, if not focused, leaks out. Energy needs to be directed into the thing being created. Not conversation, except maybe if you're writing a blog and you want to make a point. 

However, feedback from the right person is very valuable, but be careful who you choose to consult. Remember, you'll  be asking for an educated opinion from someone you respect. Respect or not, an opinion is another's point of view.  The other person may be remarkable, outrageously outstanding at what he or she does, but he/she is not you. You may think they have more experience than you, and they probably do. Still, they are not you. How are they supposed to know what's in your head and it's too much responsibility to put on them anyway. Avoid discussing your plans in casual conversation with friends and family either unless it's with a kindred spirit. Oftentimes friends say things that throw you off course. It OK to listen and learn, but maintain ownership of your own idea. And don't let it out before it's time.

Just took a few minutes to share some Yankee horse sense with my friends here.

Have a wonderful weekend.





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morlandroger Premium
Wise words. it is too easy to try to share ideas with friends but unless they understand it you get little encouragement and particularly with IM I get blank looks. I intend only telling of my sucesses in future.