Make Yourself a Big Bright Happy Rainbow!

Last Update: September 12, 2010

It's Sunday morning,  and family's coming over for breakfast, so I'll be brief. I'm baking some sticky buns. You should smell it in here.

Had to share a few thoughts with you today and leave you with a good message to ponder  and a good feeling as you enjoy the weekend, whether you take the day off to play or plan to do something else.

Do you pay attention to what makes your heart sing? Or do you just go about seeing to your responsibilities, all business, no play, and joyless? Come on, be honest. I've been seeing too many heavily burdened people around here lately. Makes me sad.

Absolutely, we are living through challenging times. All of us. People are out of work or they are miserable being tied to a job that doesn't fulfill them or doesn't pay them enough money. Some are wondering where their next dime is coming from. People are feeling insecure about the political leadership in the world. We're wondering where it is all headed. How are we going to fuel our economy? We're wondering about our part in all of it, and how we can help to make things better. We're concerned about the next generation, and our own retirement. We wonder how to recognize the good guys from the bad guys in this sea of greed. Will we be able to scope them out? Hey, wait a minute. It was my intention to be more positive and uplifting today.

OK, granted, not everybody is having financial problems. And some people are fortunate to be in their sweet spot and are being supported by what they love to do most, and would do for no money at all if it came to that. Some industries are actually prospering in this economy. And look at all the successful, affluent IM'ers.

Let's face it, all in all, we're dealing with a lot.  But guess what? The world goes round. You and I go on. There really is a solution to every problem. May have to chip away at a complex problem, but we can do it. We're not going away. Our brains were designed for times like this. As human beings, we are problem solvers. I am totally confident that together and individually, we will be victorious. I see no other outcome for us as nations and as the human race. For those who are suffering, hang in and hang on. See your rainbow. Focus on blessings, how fortunate we are to have found a supportive community in which we can structure our new business as Internet Marketers and receive help when we need it. How great is that?

Attitude is everything. We have the option to "choose" how we feel about everything. You can bear the weight of problems on your shoulders and make yourself ill with unhappiness, or smile and envision a perfect outcome, and take action so that your vision will manifest. I choose the latter.
Put your problems on a table out of sight, in your storage room and deal with them one at a time. Don't carry them around with you. It's all going to work out anyway. Trust. Believe. And entertain yourself with "life" while you are trusting and believing. Make yourself a rainbow. Bring flowers in from the garden or the woods. Prepare colorful meals with colorful vegetables. Treat yourself and loved ones to a decadent dessert. Fill the house with great music,  your favorite music. Rent  a really fun movie, no shoot em up. Well, maybe you like that. Surround yourself with loved ones. Laugh a lot. Read a good book for fun. Don't have long conversations with downers. Don't listen to the news. FORCE yourself not to listen, 'cause it's just garbage anyway. If you are overwhelmed with burdens, just know, this too will pass. Tend to your IM business with love and joy, and not unreasonable expectations. Turn your multiple streams of income into a veritable rainbow of fun, so much darn fun in fact that you're not even aware of it being work.

Have a great weekend everybody! J.

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jatdebeaune Premium
@advancing Carole: Hi Carole, If you create it as you go, may as well create good things.
@im99: Glad you agree im. Thank you for commenting.
@Fallulah: Hey Paula...always choose happiness. Who wants to suffer? Not us...right?
@Jaime Smith: Awww Jaime. Thank you for the nice kudo dear friend, so generous. I feel about my work (which is designing, painting and drawing), the same way you feel about music. Frankly, truth be known, it's all I want to do. Trying to be expansive though, by learning new things as much as possible, and bringing that into my work. Ain't life grand?Cheers to you Jaime!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for sharing yet another one of your excellent blogs Joan! You are such a great blogger, it raises the bar for the WA family worldwide. Yes, this is a crazy world we live in, that is a given. At the end of the day, you do have a choice about your attitude. Choice is a beautiful thing. I am guilty of working too much, but I LOVE my career so much, I would do this without pay. The line between business and pleasure for me these days is a bit blurry.
Fallulah Premium
Great post ... attitude can open a door to miracles one to havoc. A pretty hard truth to accept when you're in the middle of chaos but definitely the one to adopt.
iw99 Premium
very true
Absolutely! " If you expect to have a good day or life, for that matter, you will get exactly that"
Carole Marek 2005