Ouch! Oh Ouch!

Last Update: August 02, 2010

Just a quick question. Don't want to be melodramatic or anything like that. Is anyone out  there experiencing shoulder spasm from working at the computer?

I just want to make sure it's a by product of the trade and not that I'm Violetta in the last scene of Traviata, cause that's what it feels like. Pain, all of a sudden. Burning pain. Man. Ouch! Curious if any of you know anything about that, or how to get rid of it. My doctor is helpful if you're dying, but otherwise it's a waste of time.

I know you're not doctors, but I don't know anyone else who is glued to computers like Internet Marketers. Your feedback would so help.

Thanks guys. J


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Penelope Premium
Hi Joan, if you have a heating pad and cold pack, try alternating for twenty minutes several times a day. This always helps me.
I feel your pain, hope you are better soon.
mmorales Premium
Hi Joan, I have found a product that works for me. First, I do agree that there may be an underlying issue causing your pain so an examination would probably be my first advice to you. Secondly I am an affiliate that sells a great product called Cryoderm and I have to say that after riding dirt bikes and riding down hill single track mountain bikes can make a body sore and this product works for me. It actually eliminates the soreness in my muscles and tendons. Here is the site www.earthturns.com/?Click=19544. or just search for the product to see if you can find it at a lesser cost. Hope you find a solution soon as these pains can be excruciating. Take care...
Fallulah Premium
Hi Joan, I'm sorry you're not on top form! I tend to get headaches and shoulder pain which I know is related to my computer posture and I really have to step back and get to grips with it. It's difficult to assess what's happening with your shoulder without seeing, however it may well be that a particular posture has eventually triggered spasm. I would suggest that you see a recommended osteopath or chiropractor so they do a full assessment. I prefer osteos over physiotherapists personally. They should be able to treat but even more importantly explain exactly what's happening so that you can be aware of how not to repeat it :)

I tend to go for recommended practitioners just because I'm very picky about who I trust with my wallet and my body [lol]. I like quick results and and one size doesn't fit all.
The other thing I would consider if it's not sorted out quickly, is pilates. I have had great success with pilates in musculo-skeletal problems both personally and with patients.
Good Luck and shout if there's anything you'd like to sound out. Px.
Jamie Smith Premium
My wife Elizabeth is dealing with a pain in her right arm. Elizabeth has mentioned that it could be from all the time she spends using her mouse in front of the computer. I work on laptops mostly, so my arm is not in an extended position for countless hours each day. Sending blessings your way Joan, I hope you feel better soon!
moonvine Premium
oh no! I hope you can give yourself a little rest away from puter for a few hours. I have had times when I have to wear a wrist brace,but I did medical transcription for years, and I think that takes its toll from time to time. and yes, right shoulder sometimes gives me a fit. grab some BenGay or some other athletic rub and rest a bit. it should clear up pretty quickly!!