Right Brain, Left Brain, And Nothing In Between

Last Update: April 29, 2010

Guys, I'm turning into Jim Carey.

But not the Grinch yet, thank heavens. My face is not green.

I was literally ORDERED back into my studio, which is no sweat for me. It's like giving the baby a lollipop, or Donald Trump a new piece of real estate. I love my work, which is of its nature, RIGHT BRAINED.  This only means you are a receiver of information and communicate differently. You get spacey and weird and talk to yourself because you are happy in this state, and it intimidates  people and keeps them away from you so you can work undisturbed.

Now IM is more LEFT BRAINED. Yup, I have one of those too. Will be writing articles all day today. That's kind've right brained. I enjoy writing, though I am not a writer, but a communicator. It's different you know. There are writers here who know the difference.

Here's the thing, what is the best way to flip from one side of your brain to the other without feeling nuts? I'm putting it out there because I know there are musicians and artists of all sorts in our ranks. So, help me out if you can. Gotta get back into my studio and combine it with IM. How are you doing it?


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Jamie Smith Premium
I handle things like Jay just mentioned, and it does work every time for me too. Plus ever since I studied music in college, I can't fall asleep to music anymore. My brain won't shut off, it just continues to break down the chord structure in the those songs, listening to the good moments & bad moments of production in those songs, and far too often these days gets me upset at all the shitty singers singing through auto-tune software to save their no talent asses. lol
jatdebeaune Premium
You have a meditation/visualization. Transition that way. Good advice. That may be the only way to do it. I find it easier to come from the right brain mode into the left. From the left to the right, I have to go through all kinds of rituals to "get under", and that is time consuming. Music does help. Thanks Jay. I think you understand really well. Hard for me.
magistudio Premium Plus
Music and environment. I work well artistically (right brain) when listening to a specific type of music and in a specific type of environment.

When it comes to writing articles (left brain), I prefer utter silence, and a dark room. So I make the necessary changes. Just prior to that though, I close my eyes and visualize myself doing what I am about to do in my environment I'm about to set-up.

Works every time. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha. You have discipline.
DABK Premium
2 desks. One for right-brain work, one for left brain work. You change desks according to which brain you wanna use.
Aren't you glad you've got more than one?