This is why I love New Yorkers

Last Update: March 14, 2012

In a round about way, this will be inspirational to you as pioneers of online marketing. In a very big way, it will be inspirational to you as human beings.

I wasn't in New York on that day, but had many friends in the Wall Street district when the planes hit the Trade Center. My friends didn't get home that night, but thankfully they survived. This is a short documentary film that I hadn't seen before today, and it is very moving. So I thought you would like to see it too. 

The largest boat lift in history


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Renni Premium
WOW!!!!! I don't remember hearing too much about this when 9/11 happened. Don't know how I could have missed hearing about such a heartwarming and heroic event. Thanks for sharing that link. It was very uplifting despite the tragic event from which it came.
jatdebeaune Premium
Made it very real to me. Seeing them walking away, covered in ashes, like a volcano erupted, was tragic.
jdonn Premium
Thanks for sharing that. Yes, it was very moving. I've never seen it before and I was choked up just watching.
jatdebeaune Premium
I know. Me too.
Thanks, very moving! You have an uncanny knack for uncovering and posting stuff that grabs.
jatdebeaune Premium
This documentary gives a sense of the terror people felt, those who were caught in the southern tip of Manhattan, and the heroics of those ferry and tugboat captains. It is very moving. Thanks for commenting.
Labman_1 Premium
A powerful statement. There were a lot of heros that day and in the weeks that followed.
jatdebeaune Premium
I was touched and impressed. I know many people prefer to put it all behind them. Can't blame them. It was horrific.