Unbridled Joy!

Last Update: December 11, 2010

Why do dogs have all the fun? 

A little weekend romp for you to enjoy... http://www.dogwork.com/dogsnow/ "<http://www.dogwork.com/dogsnow/> 

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cjlperson1 Premium
Thanks for sharing! That was really good.
WRI Premium
Dalmatian in the snow dance for life today.. I bet you wish you had my coat so you'd have fun this way.. That was great Joan, Thanks for sharing it. 100 and 1 was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
Old Mizer Premium
Louise M. Premium
Haha he's having so much fun!! That's very funny! Oh and I love Harry Connick Jr. ;)
Labman_1 Premium
Nice. Looks like someone likes the snow. Good thing its fluffy. I kept waiting for it to run into a tree.