Very Interesting Video

Last Update: August 09, 2011
Are you a Little Richard fan? I sure am. If you are too, you will find this vid fascinating. Little Richard was a big influence on the Beatles and Elvis, and probably just about everyone else. 

Pretty amazing!
This is Richard Wayne Penniman (aka Little Richard) about fifteen years before "Tutti Frutti, Oh, Rudy...."
If you're familiar with early period Beatles, you'll know that McCartney was heavily influenced by Little Richard.
A-whop bop-a-lu bop a-whop bam boom. 
Here is some very rare footage of "Little Richard"  as a child, when he was just starting out in the music biz' ... from a movie with Van Johnson ...
I think you will enjoy this one! 
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magistudio Premium Plus
Wow Joan! Great piece of video.. that you very much for that!
stadium Premium
If you like that era of music, I also find Chuck Berry's Christmas song, "my ding-a-ling" to be a great little piece of music. If you never have listened to it look it up.
jatdebeaune Premium
@aem888: A friend sent it to me. I've always appreciated Little Richard as a performer and see that he was a child prodigy. You're welcome Art.
@Nimaeth: Glad you enjoyed Little Richard. Thank you for the kind words. Glad my blogs give you something.
Nirnaeth Premium
Awesome! Your blog always has something inspirational or thought-provoking in store :D love it!
aem888 Premium
WOW ! what a precocious & prodigious tyke, he was !!!!
Thanks for sharing, Joan. Where do you find this stuff? :)