What Do You Think?

Last Update: April 13, 2011

Came across an article that had this message as a footnote:

All Rights Reserved, Copyright@2011, (her url)

Reprints are allowed as long as article, with by-line and links to (her url) at top and bottom of article are left intact.

You think this will help? At least they are put on notice. They can't say they didn't know.


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Sherion Premium
I didn't know that about EZA with the copywright notice. I will do that from now on. . I have a lot of my articles out there. I got tired of tracking them down too. I am going to do exactly that from now on. If SA doesnt accept it then I will publish elsewhere.
jatdebeaune Premium
@Sherion: You can put a copyright notice in EZA in the Resource Box. I think you will need to ask their permission for the rest of it. It can read "Republishing this article is allowed as long as it is published exactly as written, the by-line and links to..myurl...at bottom of article are left intact." I always put my name at the end of the article in the article body. SA won't allow copyright notices. I don't know about the directive. You'd have to ask their permission. It would probably have to go in the author's profile area. If you have articles on your own site and want to allow viral marketing, (people borrowing your articles), you have every right to specify your terms. My advice is to put a copyright notice on every article. I don't know what to say about SA however. Maybe you can at least sign your name.
@muskyblood: It may deter a few people and save you the effort of having to email them. I'm tired of people grabbing headlines and spinning my articles. It's even worse if they provide a byline in this case. If Google puts the junky version ahead of the real article, that's not right.
Sherion Premium
Would we really be able to put that with our URL in SA or Ezines because the actual url would be at the top and bottom? I don't think they would allow it. Where was article published?
muskyblood Premium
I don't think it will matter. People will still steal and hope you don't bust them on it. It's funny, I have this one article for a local seo client and I wrote an article and it has been taken by 4 different blog sites and used. No resource box in tact. I was feeling feisty one day so I e mailed one of them and they had my resource box in there the next day...