What's Happening with Affiliate Marketing

Last Update: June 30, 2011

Thought you'd all be interested in this video. The marketer offers some good advice and a link to what is happening in your state, as far as the sales tax is concerned. There's also a link that allows you to protest the tax.

I'm basically away for a few days just thinking and working on other projects. Hope you enjoy this marketer's video.


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LittleRhody Premium
Protests won't work when state governments are billions in the hole. Get this, with cars getting more mileage and people soon to be using electric cars many states are losing their states gas tax which means they are now coming up with plans in some states to tax you on how far you drive on state roads. How the hell they will figure that out is beyond me unless the states pay for a special GPS device to track mileage driven in state. All I have to say is move to New Hampshire.
jatdebeaune Premium
I wish they would just leave it all alone. Too juicy an opportunity I guess. Agree with the Supreme Court, it's an undue burden. Eventually, there will probably be a uniform tax. Otherwise, the entire nation will be in NH and Canada.
slayton1s Premium
I actually just got done talking to somebody who's dealing with that right now. he's moving to New Hampshire since New Hamshire, Delaware, and Wyoming aren't affected are still safe havens. Maybe we should all just move to Canada?
jatdebeaune Premium
fason11, I don't know your name either. You can call me Joan.
fason11 Premium
Great link girl! I say girl cause I have no idea what your name is and cant hardly pronounce your buddy name:(

Have a great weekend!