When You Poke Around Google, You Sometimes Uncover Things

Last Update: November 02, 2010

Here's one for you. I was checking my site in Google search, and noticed that someone attached themselves to my trademarked name. My site name has absolutely nothing to do with these people's product, so they must be trying to hook on to any traffic that I get. These poachers make sugarcane juice, and are from Hollywood, CA. They're right there with me though, using my name. Everywhere my site appears in Google search: articles, blogs and blurbs, everywhere, cashing in are the sugar cane people. They're deriving benefit from me. I am not from them.

I just wrote them email. We'll see what happens. And there's another one too, trying to make it seem as if they are part of my site, even to the point of configuring my logo, but a standard type face version. What's with these people? Don't they have a life? And I don't even have all that much traffic yet.

I also discovered Keyword Spy. Have you ever used that tool? It's www.keywordspy.com. They tell you how many keywords you're optimized for, how many competitors you have, and they give you your top 10 competitors and if you want to know more, you just sign up for a lifetime free trial. That might be useful to you. You can find out what your competitors keywords are and compete. According to them, my top competitor has 1,935,405 keywords. I guess they don't have to worry about me. How am I supposed to compete with that? Frankly, I don't know on what basis they determine who your competition is. They had some pretty hefty competition for me, like kaboodle.com???

That's my day today so far. I'll let you know what happens. If any of you have advice, I'd love to hear it.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi docoparco. Thank you for that. I gave the scoundrels the benefit of the doubt and wrote them a stern but polite letter. If they don't get polite, I'm reporting them to Google and a few other neat places.
docoparco Premium
Hi Jatdebeaune, in a sense this is recognition of the value of your creativity and works, but the unethical nature of what is being done deprives you of the real recognition and remuneration which you deserve.
Thanks for sharing, and all the best.
jatdebeaune Premium
Many thanks Art. I'll look into it and bookmark those resources.
burntout Premium
I hate parasites. I hope you can erradicate them. Google has some pretty specific guidelines involving duplication and content. It might be worth a minute to investigate. Also chilling effects (www.chillingeffects.org) has a section specific on trademarks and domain names and what constitutes infringement. They are also powerful enough to resolve any issue associated intellectual property rights. This site is bookmarked in my darned good info file and suggest it join yours. Good luck.