Posts by Karrilee 3
Free Webinar: How to Attract 1000's of Prospective Customers to Your Page Using the Power of Contests & Promotions!Tonight June 30th, 9pm EST Space is limited. Register Now @ Jo Barnes, Founder of The Social Networking Academy (Also known as "The Facebook Queen"). Contests and Sweepstakes are one of the most powerful and effective way to promote your fanpage, generate new likes, get people engaged, capture leads and optins, and so much more
Did you know?...Don’t Use Images With Spaces in the Name.The Facebook API wll not show a thumbnail picture from a link if there is a space in the file name of the image. This is important for marketers to know as including a picture with a link often encourages people to click through the link. So instead of labeling your pictures “email product screenshot,” label it “email-product-screenshot” to ensure the link to your blog post about email products actually carrie
For the last couple of years I've been involved with so many things trying to find my niche in life, that I was getting nowhere but crazy. I had tried Internet Marketing and was actually a WA member for over 2 years, a few years ago. But I couldn't seem to stay focused on one thing in this area either so i got so frustrated, confused, broke, and began to believe I couldn't do it. So I turned away from online marketing and started selling advertising from home. I built an o