schedule for next six months

Last Update: October 08, 2009

OK, I made a bunch of calculations tonight and I have determined that I will reach my next major financial goal in 6 months.

I be writing 14 articles a day starting tomorrow.

I will be covering 4 niches in total.

Articles Per Day :


  1. 3 in niche A
  2. 3 in niche B
  3. 3 in niche C
  4. 5 in niche D

Niche B and D have blogs so I will be adding a blog post to each of those blogs per day also. They each have an aweber opt-in so my articles will be pointing each day to the blog post and another link to the opt-in landing page.


 I know that I will be either reach my financial monthly goal in six months or I will surpass it. ( April 8th is the day that is six months from now )


Great tip : Make screen videos for your opt-in pages, people prefer instructional videos. I have tried many methods and that format works best for me personally.





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