Blog edit test 3

Last Update: July 26, 2022

Blog edit test 3

edit 1 by carson

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Bigman Premium
This is amazing!! So cool.
kyle Premium Plus
Glad you like it Neil, it represents an opportunity for anyone to earn simply by sharing the OEP with the world. :)
rocktivity Premium
How do we calculate our referrals -- unique clicks or actual sales?
kyle Premium Plus
There is a referral count in the header "invited". These are your free referrals
Franklin Premium
I'm liking this place more and more...:)
kyle Premium Plus
Cool glad you like it!
magistudio Premium Plus
That truly is awesomeness..
Even salty droid would enjoy that deal! ;)
kyle Premium Plus
He should would!! Going to be exciting for people that want to "share" the WA Love.
Marcus Premium
Totally awesome commitment to rewarding affiliates for their efforts! Thanks so much guys :)
kyle Premium Plus
No problem Marcus, glad you like it. Some very exciting times ahead for members here within the WA community and this is just a component of that.