"30 in 30" Challenge is BACK!

Last Update: June 27, 2011

For those of you that missed the first "30 in 30 Challenge" at Street Articles, it is NOW available to everyone (even if you took part in the first one).

Feel free to join the 30 in 30 challenge.  Anyone that writes and submits 30 articles in 30 days is going to get our latest version of "Traffic 2.0 - The New Rules to Internet Marketing (2011 Edition)".


Join Here!



PS. If you know anyone that wants to join this, feel free to share this with them.   It is open to EVERYONE (you do not have to be a member of WA). :)


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splashduck Premium
Hi Kyle, I received an email about the new 30 day challenge for 2012 with this link in it -http://blog.streetarticles.com/30-in-30-challenge-new-for-2012/ but can't get to the intended destination. I get this page that says "The requested URL /30-in-30-challenge-new-for-2012/ was not found on this server."

Shall I join via the link on this page from last year or do I need to join with a different link? Thanks.
kyle Premium Plus
I will get this link fixed right away here. Thanks for bringing this to our attention (which just transitioned to new servers which caused this issue.
splashduck Premium
Thanks Kyle, found my way via that link now and started the challenge, "challenge" being the key word....oh no, what have i done:)