Affiliates: DB Error Fixed

Last Update: September 22, 2009

Here is the email that was just sent out to affiliates:


Thanks for all your hard work thus far with your promotions covering the launch of WA Platinum.  As with any launch of this size (there was a ton of work that went into the merging of the systems), there will be bugs.

One of the bugs that was really a "sore point" for affiliates was the "DB Error" that was showing up within the affiliate control panel.

This was nothing major at all.  It was simply a small piece of code that was missing from the old system to the new system and had nothing to do with tracking or sales.  Everything has been working 100% correct since the launch and affiliates have been earning credit for all the referrals as normal.

We have fixed this DB Error message today.  Rest assured that if it was anything related to the tracking of clicks or conversions, it would have been fixed immediately.  Since it wasn't, we prioritized other major system issues first.

Thank you for all your patience and wish you continued success with your WA promotions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or Marcus via the forum.  There is also a thread about this in the forum if you wanted to check it out:

Thanks again,

Kyle & Carson
The Wealthy Affiliates


If anyone has any questions about this, please leave them within the forum post indicated above.  Thanks again everyone for your patience on this.




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