Be an ambassador at wa in 2022

Last Update: August 16, 2019

We Truly Are a COMMUNITY….

And one that cares about one another. We have always had a "pay it forward" mentality with every update, evolution and improvement here at WA and our focus on the community aspect of WA is going to continue as strong as ever in 2017. It is going to be the "year of helping others" at WA and we can't wait!

There has been no greater privilege over the years than to see someone accomplish something they never thought was possible. Build their first website, generate their first online income, quit their job, scale their business, and achieve the 1,000's of other smaller successes that take place each and every day here within WA.

We are truly a "Pay it Forward" community.

We are going to be "upping" the ante in 2017 with many awesome improvements and the first one is investing more time, energy, resources, and money into the Ambassadorship program!

This is a program that everyone here at WA is naturally involved in. Everyone here at Wealthy Affiliate can be an Ambassador of WA and I am hoping that YOU take some time to make an effort to become an Ambassador in 2017!

First off though, What is an Ambassador?

An Ambassador is someone that is an active, helpful participant of the community here at Wealthy Affiliate. They naturally engage with others. They help others. They ask questions when they need help. They are an active entity within the community.

Ambassadors within the community are ranked within the Ambassador page, with the top 12 members being the Ambassadors and the top 100 getting exposure on the rankings page. Anyone and everyone (including yourself) can achieve these rankings).

It is nothing more complex than this. We truly value each and every member here within the community and absolutely anyone “has it in them” to become an ambassador.

Does Rank Play a Roll?

Absolutely. This is based on a complex algorithm that determines not only how much you are contributing within Wealthy Affiliate, but how much you are helping others.

These are the sorts of things that we look for when determining your WA rank:

  1. Helper - How much you help and how timely it is within the community
  2. Creator - Do you blog, do you create discussions, do you create training
  3. Activity - How active are you within the community, do you leave comments, do you interact with new members
  4. Overall Member Rank - Based on a combination of the above

If you go to the Ambassador page, you can see your ranking and see your "points" graphs within those 4 categories.

You will notice that the top 12 folks within the community are the highest level of Ambassadors, but this is the current top 12 and by no means there are not several other ambassadors within the system.

You will also notice that your rank will fluctuate quite regularly and the more active you are contributing to WA, the better your ranking will get.

How Can You Contribute?

There are many ways that absolutely anyone can contribute. This does not mean just helping others, you are actually contributing to the greater good of the community when you ask for help and when you engage with others within the 1,000’s of active discussions taking place.

Everything you do within Wealthy Affiliate is going to serve as a contribution to your Ambassador rank and the more often you do it and the more "thoughtful" you are with your interactions, the more you are going to see your rank climb.

  • How often are you the first to respond to a question?
  • How quickly do you get back to others that are asking you question or a PM?
  • Are you asking for help?
  • Are you creating discussions?
  • Are you creating blog posts?
  • Are you posting about success?
  • Are you active in live chat?
  • Do you have any ideas for training that you think can fill a void and help the community out? (Must be a Premium member for 3 months before you can create training)
  • Do you get back to people that connect with you?
  • Are you welcoming new members?
  • Are your activities leading to other people wanting to follow you?
  • Are you actively promoting WA?

All of these contribute to your rank...which plays a role in your overall ranking inside of WA.

Some of the Quickest Ways to Boost Rank

There are some ways you can boost your rank within the system. These include:

(1) Go through unanswered posts and offer a hand
(2) Welcome new folks to the community
(3) Help people with questions in Live Chat
(4) Ask for help when you need it
(5) Be responsive to any "notifications" that you are involved in

Another side effect of rank is promoting WA. We do take affiliate activity into consideration when determining rank, although you do not have to be an affiliate to be in the top 10. What better option than to be an ambassador of WA and earn a full time income promoting WA?

Incentives, Incentives, Incentives...

Your contributions are not going to go unnoticed. Throughout the year we are going to be taking a look at the rankings and those that are contributing at the highest rates to the community.

If you are truly a helper and you care about others...and care about the community here at WA, we are going to notice you and we are going to show our appreciation.

We have set aside a BUDGET for the Ambassador program and throughout the year will be contacting those that we feel have Ambassador qualities and those that “retain” high rankings within the community.

So this leaves one final question. Are YOU going to become an Ambassador within WA in 2017? Interact, engage, network, help, ask for help, and be active within the community and you will be well on your way.

If you have any comments or questions about the ambassadorship program, please leave your comments below and I will be happy to get back to you!

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