Cars title on the new blog to be selected

Last Update: March 31, 2022

As we see technology around us that is better than what we are currently offering, or as we come up with our own in house programmatic advancements, we push forward with them and we do so very quickly. Our latest update is a shift to Wistia, which we feel are the leaders in the video space.

Wistia is very good at automatically handling for different sizes and quality, based on what the viewers current connection can handle. If it is unable to load the best quality version, then it will automatically choose a lower resolution video as it will serve on that connection faster.

How a video is delivered, how the training is structured, the length of a video, and how the voice comes across in a video can all have impacts on video engagment (how long somoene watches it). If people are not taking part in the education or just doing "part" of it, then it has a bearing out their overall success (which is our focus). 

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