Does the New Action Plan Really Suck?

Last Update: September 17, 2009

Hey everyone,

Today I thought I would to not only let everyone know about our decisions to pull apart the 8-week aciton plan, but also to reach out for feedback in regards to the new training. 

 First, let's look at the old training positives and negatives:



  • scheduled learning
  • gave you ample time to complete steps before moving on
  • was sequential


  • was too slow as you had to wait a full week for each lesson (our biggest complaint)
  • was disorganized
  • 100% impossible to learn everything about every aspect of marketing in 8-weeks.  This deemed the action plan useless. 

There is no way you can be good at email marketing, PPC, SEO, Article marketing, research, a matter of 8-weeks, nor should you diversify this quickly.

We always recommend to member that you should become good at one thing before you try to become good at everything. Becoming the "jack of all trades" does lead to failure here at WA.  It is like trying to become an expert plumber, carpenter, electrician, painter and drywaller all at once.  Instead you become mediocre to poor at all of them, instead of become great at ONE.

This was the major problem with the old action plan.  It pulled in too many directions...really, it did not have a direction.  The new action plan attempts to give less direction to ultimately send you in one direction (if that makes sense).

What I mean by this is that instead of saying "write articles this week", we introduce you to article marketing, and then the article marketing category, which BY THE WAY has it's very own getting started.  If you want to become an expert in article marketing, then you should become well acquainted with this category and follow through that action plan.

The main action plan (which replace the 8-week plan) is purely to introduce the topics and all the "moving pieces" related to Internet marketing.  Think of it as your introduction, or your appetizer to marketing, then your main course are the other categores which is where the real training begins (depending on which direction you would like to go).

So here is what I am hearing about the...



  • like the diagram (the visuals)
  • like the fact that you can work at your own pace
  • like all of the new category getting started guides


  • miss the tasks
  • miss some of the structure
  • don't like change

In respect to the last point, none of us like change.   Like (I think it was PotPieGirl) said, if someone were to come into your house and rearrange your furniture while you were out, you would be pissed upon coming home to your new layout.  The same goes for this and the same goes for Facebook's latest update that had close to 2 MILLION petitioners. 

I had a discussion with Carson about this today and was thinking that at some point down the road we should surprise all members by "relaunching" WA 3.0 for a day (a year from now).  I think this would send more people up in arms than the change we just made...or as we like to call it, the EVOLUTION.

Anyways, we no the new action plan is not perfect yet and we are definitely open to suggestions.  We have gone through your comments in respect to this so far, and we will be continually improving upon this.  Newbies, Intermediates and Experts...we want to hear all your feedback.

Click the "Post a Comment" below to let me know what you think...if you like it, great.  If you don't like it, please offer constructive feedback so we can improve it.  Saying "IT SUCKS" does not get us anywhere.

Thanks everyone and I am really looking forward to what the new version of WA will bring (although it may not be apparent just yet).



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Recent messages
Jane Doe Premium
I think you have done a great job. Thank you very much. I look forward to all the new and exciting changes and stuff you have added and are still adding for me. I like the new Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan, it is great. I like it more than the old 8 week action plan, for the obvious reason that I can learn and study what I want when I want and at my own pace without all the other stuff as well. Like I can now become an expert in article marketing before moving on to PPC for example. I am very excited and looking forward to any and all other stuff you have planning and that you have in store for me still in future.
Ivan2705 Premium
I for one love the change. I think the only people that have a real problem with it are the newbies that were still new. I for one have actually been poking around the new training and find it informative even for a more experienced marketer such as myself. Within one - two weeks everyone will be used to the new system and will reek greater benefits then was ever possible with the old system. Great job with it all! These types of improvements are the reason I will stay a member for life.
Dazzlecat Premium
I like the new system better. I've only been here a week but I didn't like waiting around for the next module to be available.

This way I can work at my own pace. And i can focus on only what i need to learn right now and save the rest for later. so i think its great!!
dolphinator Premium
Kyle I am a newbie here and was just learning to get around in the old WA when you made the big changes . I got lost at first but I am figuring out were everything is know. You and Carson always seem to be striving to make things better and I believe you have done that here.I think changing the 8 week action plan was a great idea because it now allows people the go at their own pace and not try to consume all that information in one week.Give it a couple weeks and the complaints will go away and the members will start liking the new WA and forget about the old WA Great Job
usapt Premium
Honestly Kyle, I think the move was a solid business decision that I think will pay dividends for all in the future. I like the layout -- it actually encourages me to be a part of the"community" more, and I'm otherwise an extremely busy person. Here's my two cents: The only thing I liked on the other site that I don't see on this one is the 20 current forum posts on the front page. Is this something that can be added? If not, that's ok too. Great job overall!!!