Google Instant Technique

Last Update: March 26, 2011

Want to discover hidden niches?  Want to find the most current keywords, as in were being typed in today?


If you are looking for new ways to discover keywords and niches, my latest blog post is for you.

Read About the Google Instant Technique

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iw99 Premium
great tool. I'll start using it. Thanks for sharing and training
robert2704 Premium
Cheers Kyle,

I forgot all about that nifty tool. I plugged in a broad term for my site and instantly got a "how to" title returned prime for street articles and nobody has any indexed. Better write one up and get it over to SA. Cheers
jatdebeaune Premium
What a great tool! Thank you Kyle. Bookmarking the whole thing.
kyle Premium Plus
No problem...this provides an advanced search technique. It is great for finding search terms for articles that are hot and that will get ranked quick in SA! ;)
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Kyle, now I'll restructure a few things when posting articles.
Every day is a new adventure in this place!