I Used to do what for a job?!?

Last Update: May 13, 2010

Hey Everyone,

I recently added a blog post outlining exactly what I used to do for work...in fact, my very first job.   I think many of you will be surprised as to how I started out in the working environment and where I obtained a lot of my work ethic from.


I was also able to relate the industry that my first job was in to the Internet marketing industry.  There was a strange correlation that I was able to reveal and I think that it will be helpful for many of you to read.

Read my blog on "________" marketing strategy now!

I hope you enjoy and as always, if you have any comments, please leave them.



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Banta Premium
Great letting us know about your background!
That succeeding online is open to all as long you put efforts and interest. A good Mentor you're.
jatdebeaune Premium
Whoops, by parable, I'm not being religious. Just side by side "real" stories.
jatdebeaune Premium
This is a little parable Kyle. Illustrates similarity in occupations very well. Interesting how you can find a pattern in things when you really look close. I found your story amusing and interesting because I come from a town in New England that is famous for oysters. We have an oyster festival every year, end of summer. Everybody goes to it, from surrounding towns too. I'm not crazy about oysters myself, but most people love them. Maybe with a good sauce and a glass of champagne.
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog once again brother Kyle!