New message here

Last Update: March 20, 2018

This is new test message here.

We have met our personal goal of releasing our sophisticated and incredibly advanced SiteSSL platform to catapult into 2017 with a bang! We think that this and the many (many) more features and services we have slated for 2017 are going to continue to make websites created and managed here within the SiteRubix platform the BEST on the Internet.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback about SiteSSL and if you have any questions or have any issues with the set-up process of SSL on your website, please let us know know. :)

If you turn SiteSSL on and your website does not work, you see errors or see something unexpected, then you can toggle it back off in an instant. That would be a good time to reach out to SiteSupport by including as much details as you can about the issue at hand.

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