Steps to Create a Profitable Business in the Golf Niche

Last Update: June 26, 2019

NOTE: This is going to take a few minutes to read, but it is going to be WELL WORTH IT! It is going to lead you to the creation of your OWN successful business online.

You are on this page because you are likely interested in creating a golf business within the "golf" niche. I myself am an avid golfer (been a member of a Jack Nicklaus designed 36 hole track for the last 8 years) in Bear Mountain, Victoria Canada. I also have been running my own online businesses within various niches for the 17 years full time.

For the past 14 years I have been helping others do the same, and today I want to spend some time explaining this "internet thing" to you and showing you the true opportunity that can be revealed within any niche, golf or otherwise through affiliate marketing.

Now before I get into the technicalities of this, I want to make ONE thing very clear. You do not need to have any experience these days, or technical knowledge for that matter, to create and establish a very successful business online. Sometimes you are much further ahead having limited knowledge in fact as you haven't been exposed to the myriad of misinformation out there.

The Breakdown of the Golf Opportunity

Golf is a multi-billion dollar niche, not just within the offline world, but online as well. People are spending BILLIONS online within the golf space and this ranges from clubs, golf attire, coaching programs, swing doctors, buying golf vacations, and purchasing tee times online.

As an affiliate marketer, you can promote many of the most famous brands and companies you are familiar with, those being the likes of Taylor Made,,,, basically if you can buy a product within the offline world, there is almost with 100% certainty that YOU will be able to promote that same product online and earn a percentage commission in the process.

Here are a couple key examples that I want you to appreciate, and it will exhibit exactly how I am going to be teaching you to create a successful and lucrative business online within the golf niche.

Step 1:
Johnny searches for "best golf balls for distance" in Google.

best golf balls for assistance

***You learn at Wealthy Affiliate how to find lucrative, low competition like this that you can rank for with relative ease in Google.

Step 2: Johnny visits an "affiliate" (YOU) website under this term, and learns about the "best golf balls for distance"

***You learn at Wealthy Affiliate how to build and rank a website under ANY search term. In this case, your website comes up under this term.

Step 3: Johnny clicks a link on the website and then goes on to buy 2 boxes of Titlest ProV1 balls costing approximately $100 through Amazon.

Step 4: The "affiliate" (YOU) gets paid a commission, ranging from 5%-75% depending on the product.

And that is how the process works. There are literally millions of products/services in the golf industry that you are going to be able to promote as an affiliate marketing, which in essence means you simply link people to products and when that person BUYS, you get a commission.

It is a beautiful business model. You don't need any inventory, you don't need to handle any transactions, shipping or support. You are simply LINKING people to something that they usually already want to buy.

The Different Directions You Could Head With You Golf Business

There are literally 100's of different ways you could create a business around the golf niche, but the process of deciding on YOUR direction might not seem so obvious. The "choosing your direction" aspect is something that you are going to be walked through in detail within Lesson 3 of the first training course, but I want to spend a few minutes here showing you potential ideas and aspects of the broader "golf" category, narrowing down your business.

Within the online world it is the specialists that earn all the money online, not the generalists. For that reason, you want to choose something more specific than "golf" if this is in fact the industry you want to build your business around.

  • Golf clubs
  • golf training
  • short game
  • putting
  • driving the ball
  • senior golfing
  • golfcourses / green fees (by jurisdiction)
  • golf coaching
  • caddying
  • golf tips and strategies
  • sand bunker play
  • drivers
  • sand wedges
  • gps tracking
  • golf accessories
  • men's golf attire
  • driving range simulators
  • etc.

This is just an example of some targeted niches that you could build a business around. There are currently 4 BILLION people online, actively searching for and buying things online. As an affiliate marketer you can get your "piece of the pie" of the trillions of dollars spent online every year.

Affiliate Programs / Revenue Opportunities

There are MILLIONS of products & services that you will be able to promote through various affiliate programs. Many of these you will be able to search for and find using the Affiliate Programs platform here at Wealthy Affiliate.

Here is a list I quickly created that you can leverage as an affiliate marketer and that you are able to join and promote.

Some of these programs will have 1,000's if not, 100,000's of products you can promote in the golf industry alone. In fact there are over 600,000 products in Amazon alone that you can promote and earn commissions with.

For example, with a company like TaylorMade you will be able to promote all their products and services, including hats, visors, golf balls, gloves, irons, putters, drivers, clothing, and golf bags. You will earn an 9% commission, and average order would quite easily be $500, with many being in the $1,000's. Your take as an affiliate on these would be $45 to potentially $100's in commissions from a single order.

Earning Potential Within the Golf Niche (as an affiliate marketer)

OK, so what does this amount to in terms of revenue potential. I want to give you a bit of perspective, and a breakdown as to what an affiliate marketing income can and WILL look like if work at it (and as we help you build out your business here at Wealthy Affiliate).

I personally like to break things down into a "daily" income. And since your Internet business will operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, your business will never sleep (it is going to be working for you 365 days of the year!).

I am going to base this on an average $30 commission, which is pretty typical in the golf niche. If you sell an order that costs $300 and commission is 10%, you earn $30. If you sell something that is $100 and pays 30% commission, you earn $30.

1 $30 commission per day = $10,950/year
2 $30 sales per day = $21,900/year
5 $30 sales per day = $54,750/year
10 $30 sales per day = $109,500/year
20 $30 sales per day = $219,000/year

And this is based on affiliate marketing alone, and based on $30 sales. There are many products/services in this niche that will pay several $100 per sale.

And that is just one of the ways you can monetize your website, there are many others that we will be walking you through as you move through the training here at Wealthy Affiliate.

How Wealthy Affiliate Can Help you Build a Golf Business.

Now, the exciting part. Here within Wealthy Affiliate you have EVERYTHING that you need to create and grow a business in the golf business. Whether you want to help people choose the best set of irons, or you are helping people find Tiger Woods golf attire, you can earn a significant piece of the BILLION DOLLAR online commerce in this industry.

To help you understand better how Wealthy Affiliate will be helping you with this, I am going to break down the various aspects that will directly help you with this.

1. Ground Breaking 2019/2020 Training

The key to building a successful business online is understanding the PROPER process. To build a consistent revenue and the process of generating revenue in the golf niche is not complicated, but you need to do it right.

Within Wealthy Affiliate you are going to have access to the widest array of training in the industry, 1,000's of resources, 1,000's of bleeding edge marketing strategies & techniques, and hours upon hours of live classes by industry experts within the Live Events platform.

You are going to be informed, and well-equipped to build a business in the golf niche (or any for that matter) within just the first 10 lessons of the training. A week from now you are going to be well on your way.

By Lesson 2: You are going to have your account set-up, have access to support, and fully comprehend the process of building a business online

2. Profit Ready Niche Websites (Hosting Included)

All successful businesses start off with a website, and the appropriate technology to run that website. You website is equivalent to your store front in the offline world, without it you have no way to attract or communicate with potential customers.

At Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member you are going to get to fully functional Wordpress based websites (the leading website technology), that can be built in less than 30 seconds. Within Premium, you will get the industries most advanced subset of tools to manage a million dollar websites online...and the ability to build and manage up to 50 websites. This is all on our state of the art, "cloud based" hosting platform.

By Lesson 4: you are going to have you are going to have your very own niche website up and running.

3. World Class Research & Analysis Tools

There are millions of keywords and opportunities out there that have next to no competition. The keyword, website and niche research platforms within WA are going to allow you to get ranked in search engines (like Google/Bing/Yahoo) and do so with efficiency. These tools will give you at the "competitive edge" over the rest of the industry.

By Lesson 8: you are going to understand the process of researching and getting rankings (like shown above) in Google under keywords of your choice.

4. Uncover Lucrative Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

I mentioned some top affiliate programs above, but as you move through the training at Wealthy Affiliate we are going to get you working with our exclusive and proprietary Affiliate Programs technology here that will allow you to filter and find some most lucrative affiliate marketing opportunities online.

As an affiliate marketer, you can promote and earn revenue from over 550,000,000 products/services. This grows by 1,000's of products daily, it is mind boggling. I personally have earning affiliate commissions across 15 different industries, but there are millions such opportunities. You are going to be in a position where you "know of" too many opportunities, but simply don't have enough time to take them all on. A great position to be in!

Rubbing Shoulders With the Elite Marketers

Every minute, of every day you will be rubbing shoulders with 6-7 figure affiliate marketers and online business owners inside the community here at Wealthy Affiliate. Success is happening here, and it happens frequently. There is a reason this is the most trusted and respected platform and has been for the last 14 years.

On top of this, you have access to both Carson and myself, the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate (directly, and personally). You can contact me personally if you ever need help with your business, or even just stop by to say hi. We are unique here in that we actually care and work directly with people, we don't hide behind the walls of some pretentious board room.

You can contact me (Kyle) personally via my profile here.

You can contact Carson personally via his profile here.

We get back to every single person, so you can expect a response if you reach out you can expect a response in hours, sometimes minutes. :)

And I wanted to mention that this process is just not exclusive to golf. You could build a business within ANY niche. If you are interested in dogs, or building houses, or music, or sports, or business, or WHATEVER, there is a vast opportunity within the online world.

That is what we teach, and what we will be helping you with.

So What is You Next Step?

The next thing you want to do is jump into the step-by-step training here at Wealthy Affiliate. You will find this within the "Training" tab within the side menu. This will open a sub menu, and then within there you will go through the Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and start out on the Getting Started course (as show below)

Access the Training

By clicking the green "Continue Here" button (it may say something different depending on your progress), and then you will be taken directly into the training.

The training is task based, meaning at the end of each lesson there will be new tasks to complete. These tasks are going to lead to you creating your business. As you check them off, your training progress bar will automatically update as well.

It is a true earn-while-you-learn experience.

Now it's YOUR turn. I want you to take a second now and head into the training and at least acquaint yourself with where to find it. I also want you to leave ANY questions/comments that you potentially have below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Here's to YOUR success and the creation of your successful online business!

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