The Art of "Pimping" Yourself Out

Last Update: February 16, 2011

OKEY...just got back from Vegas last Friday.  What a wonderful time we had hanging out with everyone there.  We got to meet a few new faces that didn't make it last year and more importantly, talk about the upcoming year in a no-nonsense, no promo...just pure marketing jabber

Me and Jay wearing our "fur coats" prior to going in the MINUS 5 ice bar.

One of the dicussions this year was "how to pimp yourself out".  The thing is that those who succeed and create LONG TERM businesses refuse to pimp themselves out.

They refuse to take on JV's they don't believe in for simple cash.  You have probably seen many email promotions from top "gurus" that you may or may not respect that flog a new product each and every week.

This is called "mindless" marketing...or for a better word "pimping yourself out" so you can make more short term money.

One thing that may or may not come as a surprise to you is that Carson or myself or people at the conference were not like that.  They understand that this is a people business.  One in which your mother, father or close friend could be on the other end of the sale. 

Would you sell your MOM a product that costs $2000 just so you could make $1000 comission off of her?  If your answer is YES, I am sorry you have a relationship like this with your parents.  If your answer is NO, then I think we are on to something here.

You don't have to be greasy to be successful.  You don't have to SLANG junk in order to succeed.   You really only have to "help" people.

That's it.

That is the core of your business.

That is the core of OUR business.

That is the core of the Super Affiliates businesses that we met with in Vegas.

There is nothing more exciting than sitting down in a roundtable discussion with like-minded, genuine and truly nice people talking about creating ethical, powerful and scalable business.  

Just remember this when create your next website or you rnext campaign.  If the core of your business is  helping people (whether you are selling kindle lighted covers or helping people get over anxiety), if the visitors are your #1 priority, a thriving business will become a natural side affect.

Keep true to yourself and don't rip off your MOM,


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Meadow Breeze Premium
I'm glad to be associated with real people who want to connect with real people.
Maxover4 Premium
Excellent Post!!!!!! :)
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you had a good time and a productive week. Nice coats BTW. MOM doesn't get to spend her money anymore. So I'm safe. but I get your point.
leomessi Premium can either give people the "V" sign or the "V" word...(Value!)
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog Kyle, I am glad you enjoyed safe travels and had a blast with the WA family in Vegas!