Traffic Explosion 3.0, 1,000 Fantastic Keywords, 400 Keyword Rich Domains

Last Update: January 12, 2012


Here it is, the acclaimed Traffic Explosion 3.0 is here.  Everyone is welcome to download it using the following link:

Get Traffic Explosion 3.0 Here!

We have also built a list of 400 keyword rich domains that are available (.com and .org domains) and 1,000 keywords with low competition, and a good amount of traffic.  You can download these using the following:

Get 400 Domains Here!

Get 1,000 Keywords Here!

Hope you enjoy the New Years Extravaganza Bonus!


Kyle (& Carson)

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Alam Premium
I really liked the Traffic explosion 3.0 content more than the keywords and domain and thanks for taking the time to find the domains and keyword for us and it really open my eyes, thanks Kyle and Carson for taking your time to make it..
WealthandJoy Premium
I had an easy time getting the keywords and domains. I had a little trouble getting Traffic Explosion. When a double left-cick doesn't work, I use the right-click and select open. Please let me know if that helps you.
kyle Premium Plus
It should be working fine. Clicking the link will open it up in your browser.
onefineham Premium
I can't wait to see what's in it :)

Ummm I don't mean to be a pest but the files I downloaded both appear to be the keyword / domain list.
kyle Premium Plus
Nice find...I will fix this right away!
onefineham Premium
Happens to me allll the time lol.
kyle Premium Plus
This has been fixed.
onefineham Premium
I can't wait to see what's in it :)
Veveric Premium
Thanks for this Kyle & Carson! I read Traffic explosion 3.0 content and i like it very much. Lot of useful, good things to learn and a good reminder for things y I already know. Regarding to keywords and domains I can't wait to check it! :) Thanks again
Carson Premium Plus
BIS Premium
Thanks for this Carson. I have already purchased a couple of domain names. The keyword list is absolutely fascinating.. Its so interesting to see what people search for. Eye opening as you say. I will find all this information really useful.
kyle Premium Plus
Glad you like it! :)
yunanpr Premium