Why I Am Scared For YOU!

Last Update: November 30, 2009

I kept my word and added my post to the forum on why "I'M REALLY SCARED for Internet Marketers".

Find it here.


Here are the following topics I discuss:

(1) The State of Google Adwords
(2) The FTC Ruling
(3) Landing pages & Quality Score
(4) Is Internet Marketing Dying?
(5) The Big Changes at EZA & Squidoo
(6) Why the World is Affiliate Hatin'

Go read the post now and I welcome ALL comments.  Thanks everyone and sorry it took me so long to give my 2 cents on this stuff.


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Garrd Premium
I believe most of what you posted is way past due because of all the black hat methods that has been going on for years. I also say this is a good thing for all affiliates because hopefully Now we will see some real products that we can promote with out having to close our eyes and hope the endorsements are for real. I know there will be a time laps for the net to get cleaned up from the crooks. I have read so many people crying over being screwed from promising the moon and then putting them thrrough hell. Honesty has and will always be the only way to run a business. If you are unhappy with what you buy at the store you get your money back, SO make sure you offer money back guarantees. You know some people will try to take advantage but if you are honest and upfront with people then you should have a small amount of returns.
eageraffiliate Premium

Great insights on the new IM battlefield. I am more excited and ready than ever to get out there and make my mark. Change creates opportunity and there are many changes discussed in your post along with solutions, I guess that is why I joined WA.
