You're a Social Animal and So is...

Last Update: May 28, 2011

Google. Bing.  Yahoo.

That is right.  We are in the age of social and it is multiplying, duplicating and becoming more and more of a prominent aspect of marketing as we continue along in our IM journey.

Are you social?  Are you tweeting?  Are you liking? Are you engaging your readers to the point where they would share your stuff with their friends?

Read my latest StreetArticles post here...

Search Engines Taking Social Into Consideration - Why Wouldn't They

Let me know what you think, what you see, what your predictions are...

Chat soon,


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hope Jay sheds some light on the most effective ways to utilize these tools. Honestly don't know what to do with them other than plug articles.
I tend to feel the same way as jatdebeaune but not necessarily for the same reasons. I remember upsetting my daughter (35) a couple of years back by declining to be part of her FB wall. Offline businesses must take into account technological advances and how they impact on their operation. Online is probably no different. Some websites will make use of FB & Twitter more than others and that possibly depends on the products they are promoting and their perceived markets. I look forward to reading more articles on this topic by experienced marketers like yourself who are more enlightened.
jatdebeaune Premium
I have always shunned FB and Twitter because I am really very private by nature. Saw FB as a teenage heaven, and I don't have any camping pictures to share. I read your article and see your point of how instrumental these sites can be in communicating a message. I'm going to do it for business only, and share quality stuff.
Labman_1 Premium
So much to do and so little time. There are at least 3 things now added to my todo list. Thanks Kyle.
Jamie Smith Premium
Facebook and twitter have both been a HUGE part of my success. I really enjoyed your Street Articles post Kyle and I am super excited for Jay's WAbinar class on this very subject!