Re: Lock Your Spot | 360°, Network Marketing

Last Update: April 16, 2010

Hi Team,

Just a few kind words on this new  360°, Network Marketing thing that seems to be floating around...

There seem to be a couple members promoting this thing and getting all excited at the viral aspect of it. Which is great and I wish you all the success with it.

But I don't want to 'go down' on your line or touch your 360°...

OK, maybe I should show you the site I am talking about first.

This is a new network marketing 'thing' that's floating around the community and generally in the IM world. People seem to getting all excited about how many are joining their downline etc.

Once again - awesome and I wish you all the success with it.

But do you think promoting this to other members is really beneficial?

I would say many members of WA are the direct result of being scammed from some other make money opportunity and may still have a bad taste in their mouth due to being scammed.

So, promoting this to other members may not be an effective promotion tactic. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying "don't promote this" - but giving you some advice that your current promotion methods within the WA community may not be an effective way to generate a downline.

Perhaps write an article about it and submit it to an article directory. This seems to be pretty new thing, so the search engines don't really know about it yet.

OK? Cool..

Just offering some free advice to my fellow WA members... :)

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Louise M. Premium
Thanks for posting this Jay. I completely agree with you. To answer Wooton's comment (mostly because he deleted my comment on his own WA blog....) I think what Jay is saying (and what I agree on) is that people here need focus most of all and should always think twice when they "meet" shiny objects along the road. Indeed, many newbies are tempted to join this and that which is normal but what pays off the most is to focus on a strategy you understand and master.
Plus, Jay's post isn't pointing at you (Wooton) only, if you read other people's blogs you'll notice that at least 4 people posted about the same post as you did.

Anyway, I must say I was a bit upset (well, it actually made me smile) to notice that my comment on Wooton's blog has been deleted because I think commenting does not mean saying only "thank you" but also "why? how? and here's what I think".

Sorry Jay for taking your post as an opportunity to speak my mind about this issue and thx for posting this! :)
Wootton Premium
Well since that was pretty much directed at me lol, the reason I put it up is because its free. That means if it is bunk when it launches a quick block on E-mail and there gone, but what if im rite. What if the 1000 plus people in my downline already do add up to something, I just want other people to have that chance to. If maybe they had to make a purchase coming in then yeah, no way would I just be offering it around.
And I am doing a article and a squidoo so I wont post anything else about it, and I do get what your saying about feeding off a fellow members. I had someone trying to make me join here GDI, I thought the same thing you were probably. Any way I will let you know in a month what the scoop is really, trust me if they are a scam no one is going to drop a dime on them like I will!