WA Funnel System Works Great for List Building

Last Update: July 01, 2010

Hey WA'ers,

Just wanted to create a quick blog post on the shiny new WA blog and funnel system - and to let you know that my list is growing at a massive rate.

For those who are unsure what the WA Blog & Funnel is, allow me to quote:

The WA Blog & Funnel system is a business in a box for Affiliates. We have created a system that puts a tested sales funnel at your fingertips and gives you the ability to build a recurring income from multiple streams. You get your very own personalized blog that is hosted on WA Web servers using your own domain. This blog is setup in a way that you can easily scale and build upon it for literally ANY kind of promotion.

I've been playing with this system for a while now and my list is growing at a massive rate since I've combined a PPC campaign with a landing page.

If you want to model off of mine, feel free:


What are your thoughts on the blog & funnel system? Have you had any success with it? Speak your mind below..


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jatdebeaune Premium
It on my agenda. Interested in learning what it is and if I can apply the method to grow my niche. Exciting. Thank you Jay.
ruphynresx7 Premium
Is this WA and funnel system used to promote WA?
what about WA super affiliate? are they related?
moonvine Premium
Your site looks great! I have not tried the Blog and Funnel system yet, but it is top of my list for next week.
erussell Premium
Did you take the mad marketing method and apply it to the WA Funnel blog?
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jay! Thanks for sharing this blog and for the nice chat today also.