Flipping Web Site

Last Update: March 10, 2010

I've gotten involved with buying from eBay once again recently, after not bothering with it for a couple of years.

I like the idea of buying a ready-made website, uploading it and running it for a profit, so have started placing bids on those promoted on eBay.
I must admit to not having a lot of luck yet, though.

I bid on a complete AdSense and eBay affiliate website where, although there was a 'Buy it now' button, I bid $10.00 below it.  I was out bid by one bidder who got in seconds before the end of the auction.  I decided to try again and again and yet again, but each time was outbid by just one bidder.

Suspicious that this was a ploy just to get me to 'Buy it now' in future, I gave up with that company.

Other sites for sale were just $1.99 but I found that they wanted you to pay for hosting and for a domain name, too.

A couple of sites were priced in their thousands which was a little off putting after my earlier experiences.

I got a bargain that had a complete eBay store on it ... I just needed to put my partner code in the website code and, hey presto, I'd be able to earn dollars a day just through featuring eBay products.  However, this wasn't possible in the end as I was turned down by eBay from having an affiliate account with them.  They must have taken a look at the site and decided that I was just out to make a fast buck and that I wasn't truly out to promote a niche that I was dedicated to.

Or, that they just thought the site was crap, one or the other.

All in all purchasing a flipped web site doesn't seem to be the good idea that I thought it might be.

I decided to try buying cheaper websites that came with hundreds of eBooks so that I could get value for money even  if the site itself became a failure.  I ordered one that came with 200 eBooks last week but they were all from 2006, based on the Internet and so were all out of date with their facts, figures and URLs.  So much for trying to be clever on my part.

I think, in the end, it's just as well to build your own site, fill it with what you're good at and sell from there.

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