REVIEW: In A Right Place by Bill Rice-Johnston

Last Update: May 05, 2010

DVD & Bonus Workbook Review:

Have you enjoyed the last few ebooks that you've read about the latest scheme that will make you wealthy or even a millionaire? 

Most Internet marketers have 'suffered' at the hands of writers who promise you the earth from their website sales letters where you pay out your hard earned cash to download the latest, hottest and fortune making publication, piece of software or business service.

Then, after reading the bumph, you think well, what now?

The thing is, unless you actually do something, just reading the book or learning how to use the software etc., nothing will happen.  You won't become successful in what you do by just taking a book in your hands and reading it, no matter what the author promises in the aforementioned sales letter.

Yet, so many people seem to think that, once they've purchased the next 'get rich quick' thing, that's all they need to do, they feel satisfied that they're up to date but, after a time, realise that it's made not a tiny notch of a difference to their success or financial situation (apart from being that much poorer after paying out for the product).

This brings me to the new title from Bill Rice-Johnston which is different from the run-of-the-mill book, which is delivered in hard copy to your door with an accompanying DVD.

Now I know that the book is meant to be accompanying the DVD but, for the reasons I'll come to below, I'm having the book as the main product and the DVD as the bonus.  I didn't get the audio CD with my review copy but, I believe it's the audio of the DVD or the workbook.

'In A Right Place' may not be the most inspiring of titles compared to most Internet marketing publications but all is explained on the DVD.  Once you become 'in that right place' you'll start to become more successful and your dreams will become a reality.  So is this really the case?

Well, the sub-title of In A Right Place tells us more; "Discover the secret ALL successful people use to launch themselves to dizzying heights of business success and a millionaire lifestyle ...".

Ah, now that's more like it, but does it deliver?

Bill Rice-Johnston is an older (I'm sure he won't mind me saying that) and wiser man than your average Internet marketing book author where you do get the feeling that he has walked his talk and therefore is totally qualified to teach you about where this 'right place' is.

Bill has studied what successful people have done, what they think and how they go about their lives.  His book isn't a system of beating Adwords, getting traffic to your site, Search engine optimisation or building websites, no, it's about a way of life and how you should be thinking, that 'In A Right Place' deals with.

What I liked about this book is the different approach to teaching that it promotes.  Rather than just tell you what you should be doing, it encourages you to get writing, right from the off.  A huge amount of the book is taken up with lined pages or blank pages for you to jot your ideas and answers down.  Don't let this put you off, though. 

I read it through first of all thinking, well, this can't be up to much as it's a workbook that I personally have to fill in.  However, when I actually started filling in the blanks and went along with the writer's requests I started to realise that I'd never got this far with a book before ... The Bill Rice-Johnston magic had started to work.

The author suggests getting yourself a 'guru' who you can trust.  He explains how you know when you can trust one.  A guru is someone who's already successful, wealthy and living their dream.

All through the book, Bill Rice-Johnston helps you to start believing in what  successful people believe in and think and do what they think and do.
All successful people have similarities in their lives and In A Right Place helps you find them and teaches what you need to do in order for you to gain those similarities.

There's plenty of serious stuff here but the odd sense of humour slides in every so often which helps reading the book along nicely.

A lot of the ideas here I've heard several times before but the difference is, this publication gets you working with it and writing, thinking and doing it all.  Simply by organising your time and keeping a diary up to date can be a boost to your daily success rate.

Confidence, five year plans, entrepreneurial ethics, guru hunting, sleeping properly, focus and planning are all covered, some in great detail so, if you're looking for a book that keeps you involved from cover to cover, then In A Right Place could be right up your street.

By the way, there's a very nice surprise hidden within the pages of Bill's book ... I won't give it away here but I think you'll like it.

So, a quick mention about the DVD that comes delivered with the book.

There are no special effects, panning, cut-ins or green screens here, no, it's just our Bill and what I assume to be an autocue of some sort.  Bill does not look into the camera at all and, to be honest, it looks most off-putting.  The whole movie is Bill explaining everything he knows about getting into your 'right place' and takes the viewer very slowly through every aspect.

I found the book a lot more enjoyable but, if you listen to what is being said, it'll hold your interest to make the DVD a valuable add-on.  I feel that it didn't need the visual, the CD audio would have sufficed.

I found myself waiting for a cut-away to some bullet points or something, anything to break up the presentation to make it entertaining and to keep the views attention but, alas, it wasn't forthcoming.

I wasn't going to let this spoil my overall thoughts on the package though, as In A Right Place is a great read,  giving you plenty of work to do which should bring out the entrepreneur in many readers for years to come.

Recommended reading  and listening but not viewing I'd say.

Price £57.00 ($86.00) plus postage and packing at £4.95 ($7.48).

Contents: Workbook, DVD, CD, email support, 30 day telephone consultation, 30 day money back guarantee.  

The guarantee allows you to keep the workbook and audio CD but you must return the DVD.  I would have had this around the other way. 

Send back the workbook and CD and keep the DVD as, the workbook is far too valuable to my mind.  You'll want to keep the whole package, though, I'm sure.

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